October is here and with it the arrival of leaf piles to jump in, pumpkins to carve, the State Fair of Texas, and (hopefully) long sleeves and jackets! The changing seasons always provide ample opportunity for families to create great memories together and we hope you’ll lead your family in doing just that. With the new month here in Watermark Kids comes a brand new godly character trait for us to look at together with your family, as well as a few ways we’d like to be a part of some of your Fall memories this year.
Responsibility: You Can Count on Me
In a world full of blame shifting, finger pointing, and reckless, harmful speech, it is easy to think that our kids are growing up in a unique day and age where irresponsibility is rampant and where people simply can’t be counted on. Yet a quick glance through the Bible and we see that this type of behavior has marked humanity since the Garden of Eden and hasn’t slowed down at all since.
Thankfully, for all who have trusted in Jesus, He gave us the right to be called children of God (John 1:12) and to His children He gives new hearts that are increasingly transformed to look like our Father. This month, through the stories of Bible heroes like Ruth and King Josiah (2 Kings 22), along with stories from the life of Jesus, we will see what responsibility looks like in the lives of the children of God, how we can be someone that God can count on and how, when we aren’t responsible, we have a God who can always be counted on to forgive and restore.
RESPONSIBILITY: Being someone that God can count on.
MEMORY VERSE: “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” Galatians 6:4-5 (NLT)
Raise the Mark
Raise the Mark will be happening at both our Dallas and Ft. Worth campuses this Sunday, October 6th at 5:30. We want to strongly encourage you to come be a part of this time and include your elementary age kids in the experience as well. There is something powerful about families worshipping and praying together and this is a simple way to model what corporate worship, prayer and communion can look like for your kids.
At our Ft. Worth Campus, childcare will be available for kids 0-5 years old and at our Dallas Campus, Starting Blocks and The Dash will still be happening as usual (for those of you who regularly attend the 5:30 service). Come take advantage of this opportunity to worship and pray together as a family alongside others!
Family Fun with Watermark Kids
This month we have a couple of fun opportunities outside of Sunday services for your family to create some of those great Fall memories.
K1 Race Pumpkin Gospel: For families with kids in K1 Race, mark your calendars for Sunday afternoon, October 27th at 1:30 on the Watermark Dallas Campus for fun with “The Pumpkin Gospel”. Bring a pumpkin and the whole family for an interactive, creative way to be reminded of the good news of the gospel while carving a pumpkin or two together!
On Your Mark Father/Son Camp-IN: Mark your calendars for November 1-2 for our first ever “Camp-IN” for boys in 2nd and 3rd grades and their dads. We will turn the Watermark Kids building into a campsite complete with tents, campfires, and s’mores. This event is open to families from our Ft. Worth campus as well as for boys of single moms. Registration is required so sign-up online to reserve your spot!
Be on the lookout for more information about these events in the coming weeks.
We’re excited about all that God has in store for us this month and hope that you will give us the chance to continue to partner together with you as you pour into and disciple your kids. See you Sunday!
The post October Elementary Parent Newsletter appeared first on Watermark Community Church Blog.