The Loving Arms of God

The Loving Arms of God Hero Image The Loving Arms of God Hero Image

Virginia Prodan knew defying the Romanian government in her work would eventually lead to consequences, but she didn’t know she would be held at gunpoint in her own law office. As scenarios ran through her head, knowing she couldn’t physically fight the man sent to kill her, Virginia displayed boldness in one of the most terrifying situations anyone could experience. Here is a look at her unforgettable story about God’s undeniable protection in the face of great opposition.

“As a kid growing up in Romania, I saw adults who knew the truth about the communist government and society, but they were afraid to speak it. That created in me both an insecurity and a passion to find and fight for truth and justice,” said Virginia Prodan. “I thought my way to find, learn, and speak truth was to go to law school and become a lawyer like the men in my family.

“When I found success as an attorney after law school, I had everything I wanted. I had a nanny for my kids, custom furniture, and money to buy nice things, but inside I was the poorest person in the world. I still hadn’t found what I was looking for.

“One day I went to my office very discouraged – I thought I was going to quit my career. I didn’t want to continue as a lawyer. I met with one of my clients and he stood out from my usual client. He seemed so hopeful in such a hopeless place. While he seemed joyful, I thought he was a little crazy when he invited me to his church the next Sunday.

“I followed through with the invitation and at the service, I heard the pastor say, ‘Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.’ The lady sitting next to me showed me it was so clearly written in the Bible in John 14:6. I still feared that the government would arrest me for going to a Christian church, but as I heard the congregation worship, I felt peace and security. That day I realized God put it on my heart to search for ‘truth’ all those years ago so that I could find Him. I thought the truth to life and freedom was in my law textbooks, but here it was, in Jesus. I was looking in the wrong place all this time.

“The Lord of the universe had an amazing plan to bring me to Him and give me an amazing job to show the world what He is capable of. After trusting and surrendering my life to Christ, I learned that to suffer for Christ is an honor and a privilege, and I took that with me into every courtroom as a human rights attorney defending Christians.

“I was pressured daily in interrogation rooms – and I didn’t impress anyone with my size – but Christ in me was the power that kept me moving and taught me to love my enemies. I had no idea how literal this would become.

“God empowered me to face my assassin – sent to my office by the government to kill me because I defended Christians. At only 82 pounds and under five feet, I was not a match. I should be dead, but God had other plans. I was covered in blood, pushed against the wall, and even in that moment, I knew the Lord was there. I heard someone giving them orders, but I had a job too: I knew the Lord wanted me to love them. I told them, ‘I don’t like what you are doing, but God loves you and I choose to love you too. As I shared Scripture and God’s truth with my assassin, he accepted Christ and let me live. Only God’s power in me did that.

“As my cruel interrogators pushed me into the walls, they had no idea they were pushing me into the loving arms of God. I didn’t have anyone there with me, but I felt God’s presence and love. I was just a tool in His hands. God gave me the power to shine for him in the darkness.

“God’s love was so clear in this chapter of my life and I am so thankful I had a solid foundation when the worst happened. I share my story often – I even wrote a book about it. I want people to remember that we might be small, but we are strong and powerful with and in God. I am an extension of Christ to others. I have learned that the most precious gift you can give someone is to love them when they think they are unlovable. When people see that you love them, they will listen to your message about Christ. In my new life in Christ – under persecution or in freedom – He faithfully protects, equips, and blesses me. It is now my mission to motivate and train people in my life to be tools in God’s hands.”

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