Know God By Reading His Word

Know God By Reading His Word Hero Image Know God By Reading His Word Hero Image

Most of us would say that we'd love to know God more, and that we wish we understood the Bible more. Of course we would love to know Him more! But the process of knowing God better, like any relationship, takes time and effort. No one gets a new best friend without taking the time to get to know them, studying their past, their interests, and spending time with them! In a similar way, we get to know God better by reading His Word!

KNOWLEDGE: Gaining understanding of the truth

MEMORY VERSE: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgement." Proverbs 9:10 (NLT)

This Week’s Finish Line: Know God by reading His Word

This week we looked at Psalm 19. In it, David (the author of this psalm), spends a lot of time talking about why the Word of God is such a treasure to Him. He didn't have nearly as much written down to read then as we have today, but the principles remain true for us today. David finds life and joy and strength through God's Word, and gains knowledge on top of that!

Family Questions:

  1. Read all of Psalm 19 together as a family. What stands out to you from this chapter?
  2. Look at verses 7-9. What does David say God's Word does? (look for 5 things)
  3. Why do you think it is important to read the Bible?
  4. What are words David uses to describe the Bible in verses 7-9?

Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:

* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.

TEACHER: How the Bible Works

At dinner this week, pull out a Bible and talk through how the Bible works. Last Sunday we went over how the stories in the Bible are woven together to tell one story of rescue (review it here!), but this week, go over some of the technical details. The Bible is one book made up of 66 books. Show your kids the Table of Contents, and turn to a book (like Psalm 19) to show how the chapters and verses are labeled with big numbers and small numbers. See what questions your kids have about the layout! If your Bible has maps in it, point those out, and if there is a concordance, point that out and explain how it can help you find verses on a specific topic.

FRIEND: Finding Treasure

While driving in the car this week, ask your kids what they think of when they think of treasure. Take some time to remember that David compared God's Word to treasure in Psalm 19, and discuss what you do when you find treasure! Ask your kids what some treasures they have in their life right now.

COUNSELOR: Grow in Knowledge

During bedtime this week, read the Bible with your kids. If you're already reading something together, keep that going! If not, ask your child if there's a book or story they are interested in reading. If you don't know where to start, read about the life of Jesus and read one chapter of the book of John per night! Practice asking questions and looking things up when your child does not understand what they are reading.

COACH: Learn the Memory Verse

In the mornings this week, start practicing this month's memory verse (Proverbs 9:10). Discuss what this verse means too as you start to learn it. Be sure to write it somewhere where your family can see it every day this week.


Thank God for the gift of the bible. Ask Him to show more of Himself to you through His Word. Thank Him for ways you have seen Him use His Word to encourage, teach and admonish you in your life.

Looking Ahead

Next week is we will continue studying KNOWLEDGE, and we will look at Luke 4:1-13 explaining how we can know God by memorizing His Word.

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