Our elementary curriculum builds on the biblical foundation laid for kids in preschool. We want elementary kids to see the excellent character of our all-powerful God and why He is the hero of every story. We do that by looking at 36 godly character traits – one per month – with weekly Finish Lines that teach kids about God, His Word, and how He can help us reflect His character to the world. Our character trait for May is HUMILITY!
Additional Resources for May 10
- Discussion Guide Continue the conversation with your elementary kids using these discussion questions
- Activity Guide Simple activities to help your elementary kids review what they learned from the lesson this week
- Drama Script Get creative and perform this week’s skit together with your family
- Elementary Spotify Playlist A playlist of our favorite songs
More ways to have a great week of worship...
Use these activities to keep talking about and applying what you learned this weekend throughout the week.
Teacher: Meal Time
READ Luke 18:9-14. In the story, where do you see pride? Who shows humility and how? Like our definition tells us, humility is living with the right understanding of who God is, who I am, and who you are. Everything we do and have is a gift from God. As a family, create a gratitude jar. During meal time, discuss different things that you are thankful for as a family and as an individual. Have one person write these things onto strips of paper. Write down Scriptures that are meaningful to you and/or are prayers of thanksgiving. After writing down different things that you are grateful for, place the strips into a jar. You can decorate the jar as a family. Every once in a while, you can take time during a meal to read the strips out loud and humbly thank God for all that He has done and provided.
Friend: Drive Time
Talk about comparison. Is it easy or hard to compare yourself to others? One of the best ways to combat comparison is to remind ourselves of truth about who God is, what He says about us, and how He views others. When you stop at a red light, take turns to share three truths about each person in the car. At the next red light, share your favorite character trait of God. Then, try to list as many as possible, and see who can list the most.
Counselor: Bedtime
Remember in the story when the Pharisee said, “I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else”? What?!? We know that’s not true because the Bible says everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23), but Scripture tells us that Jesus forgives us when we confess (1 John 1:9) and that we are to confess our sins to one another (James 5:16). Parents, this is a great area to lead by example and show what it looks like to ask for forgiveness. Pray together right away whenever anyone confessed a sin and asks for forgiveness. Thank God for Jesus and the forgiveness that is freely given to us when we ask.
Coach: Anytime
Write each word of the memory verse (Philippians 2:3-4) on a post-it note and stick them somewhere where you’ll see them throughout the week (refrigerator, kitchen window, game room wall, etc.). Remove one sticky note every day and see if you can still say the verse! If you can, keep going until there are no post-its left!
Thank God for Christ’s humility because without it we would be separated from Him forever. Ask Him to show you areas in your life where you need humility to help you respond rightly to your sins. Thank Him for His free gift of forgiveness.