New to the Kit or looking for helpful hints on how to use it? Check out the Kids Kit Tips and Tricks - Preschool Edition where we share detailed instructions about the resources below.
Our goal for preschool curriculum is to build a foundation of biblical knowledge so preschoolers will know the major stories of the Bible and how they fit together into God’s big story. Our curriculum is organized into 12 units and we teach the major stories of the Bible in mostly chronological order. Each week there is a Teaching Truth which is the most important thing we want kids to hear and learn about God and His Story that week.
Additional Resources for August 23
- Discussion Guide Continue the conversation with your preschool kids using these simple questions
- Activity Guide Hands-on activities for preschoolers to help reinforce this week’s Teaching Truth
- Memory Verse Song Help kids learn the memory verse through song
- Unit Song Listen to this song together to reinforce the lesson's teaching truth
- Preschool Spotify Playlist A playlist of some of our favorite songs
- Special Needs Kit We know some of our amazing kids have special needs or other learning challenges. Here are tools to help you share the Bible story in a simple way with your child.
More ways to have a great week of worship...
Use these activities to keep talking about and applying what you learned this weekend throughout the week.
1. Snake Chain
SUPPLIES: Green and red construction paper, scissors, marker, stapler or tape, dolls or stuffed animals
To make a snake, cut strips of construction paper about 2 inches wide. Help your child turn one strip of paper into a circle and staple or tape the two ends together. Take another strip of paper and slide it through the previously made circle and staple it into a circle. Repeat the process until you have a long chain. On the first circle, draw eyes and a tongue to make it the head of the snake. Using red construction paper, cut one more strip and make a single circle. Turn it into a fruit by drawing a stem on it. Have your child grab some dolls or stuffed animals and act out the story using the paper snake and fruit.
2. Jesus is the Rescue Plan
SUPPLIES: Construction paper, marker, cup of water, scissors, glue
Fold a sheet of construction paper in half. Have your child draw Adam and Eve on one half of the paper and a heart on the other half to stand for God. Let your child dip his finger in a cup of water and then run his wet finger along the fold in the paper. He may have to do this several times. When the fold is sufficiently damp, have your child rip the two pages apart. Talk about how the water is like the sin that separates us from God, just like it separated Adam and Eve from God. Cut out a large cross from another sheet of construction paper. Glue one side of the cross to the picture of Adam and Eve and the other to the picture of the heart. Tell your child that Jesus is God’s rescue plan to save the world from sin.
- What is sin? (Anything we think, say, or do that does not please God)
- What was the first sin? (When Adam and Eve ate from the tree God told them not to)
- What can we do when we sin? (Ask God to forgive us.)
- Will God forgive you when you ask Him? (Yes He will because He always loves us.)
3. Creation in a Bottle
SUPPLIES: Bottle or jar, leaves, rocks, grass, etc. from outside, water, food coloring
Head outside and let your child gather an assortment of things from nature like rocks, leaves, flowers, or grass. You may want to rinse these items off when you bring them inside. Put the items they found in a clear bottle or jar and fill it with water. Explain that God created everything and said it was good. Add food coloring to the jar, using some of each color to make brown, and stir. Tell your child that the food coloring represents sin, and when Adam and Eve disobeyed God sin entered the world and affected everything.