Happy New Year! What an amazing year 2013 was for Watermark Kids, but the plans our team has for 2014 are even more exciting and we are expectant and hopeful that God is going to do some great things in the lives of kids and families this year. Here’s a quick look at what we’ll be learning in January as well as information about our first big family event of 2014!
Wisdom: More Than Information
This past Sunday, our Equipping Pastor, Blake Holmes shared a message with us on the “Dangers of Spiritual Complacency” in which he made a statement that we use often here at Watermark: “Reading the Bible isn’t just for information, it’s for transformation.” In the discipleship of kids here at Watermark, our goal isn’t “smarter sinners”. Our goal is the rescue of sinners and the transformation of those sinners into the image and likeness of Jesus. This is exactly where our godly trait for the month of January, we believe, leads us!
This month we’ll be looking at “Wisdom”. We will look at the source of wisdom (God’s Word), how to ask for it (prayer), how and where wisdom works, and where wisdom leads (back to Jesus). Pray with us this month for your kids, that God might give them a hunger and thirst for wisdom that would forever change their lives and the lives of those around them!
Wisdom: An understanding of truth that guides your actions.
Memory Verse: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey His commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise Him forever!” Psalm 111:10 (NLT)
Watermark Kids Live!
To kick the new year off right, we’re hosting our first “Watermark Kids Live!” event of 2014 on Friday, January 31st! We believe it’s important for families to worship corporately together, learn together and create great memories together where Jesus and the gospel are front and center. That is the hope of our Watermark Kids Live events!
Make your plans to bring the whole family and join us for a night of singing, laughing, playing and learning together. Childcare is available for kids 3 and under, but you must RSVP for childcare (space is limited, so be sure to register early). Stick around afterwards for a time of fellowship with other families and buy a sweet treat for the kids from one of the dessert food trucks that will be there. It’s going to be a great night, so don’t miss out!
Project 66 Challenge
While we don’t believe that information alone brings about transformation, there is no doubt that there is no transformation possible without it. For that reason, we are issuing a challenge for the month of January. The “Project 66 Challenge“ will challenge kids to memorize the names of the 66 books of the Bible in order. All kids who complete the challenge will receive a coupon for a free treat from one of the food trucks at the Watermark Kids Live event!
Make this a fun challenge for everyone in the family. If you’re looking for a tool to help your kids (and you) memorize the books, check out this fun rap song from Northpoint Kids. We’ll be singing that song together weekly to help us learn the books and remind ourselves why His Word is so valuable for our lives (you can also listen to the song on Spotify or buy it off iTunes).
Happy New Year!
There’s so much to look forward to in 2014 and we hope you’ll join in on all that we have planned for you and your family! We are praying for you as you seek to disciple your kids in this new year and are so thankful that we get to partner with you this year in that mission. See you Sunday!
The post January Elementary Newsletter appeared first on Watermark Community Church Blog.