“A very transformative part of my story and faith was during my years as a student. I walked through a season of being falsely accused of actions towards another student that quickly spread throughout the school and ultimately left me as the target of students’ jokes. At such a young age, I felt isolated, shameful, and labeled for something I didn't do. Being known for something that was different from the truth pushed me to uphold a flawless appearance and act like everything was okay.
“Even though I was only 12, that season really shaped my life. I didn’t know how to identify my emotions, but looking back, I was confused and felt unknown by my peers. I didn’t have a place to process how I was feeling or to learn how to move forward.
“Thankfully, growing up in a faith-based home cultivated by my parents, I had a foundation in the Lord that helped me navigate this hard season. Because of all I’d learned about God, I knew I had two options: I could either trust the Lord with this situation and my life, or I could be mad at Him. By the grace of God, I chose to trust Him to be my comfort and safe place.
“When I got into college, I didn’t have my parents or school pushing me to be active in my faith, and my relationship with Christ fell to the back burner of my priorities. I still wanted to appear as a good Christian girl, but in reality, I was apathetic and lazy and chose not to pursue the Lord like I had through high school.
“After I graduated college and moved back to Dallas, I started attending Watermark. For the first time, I experienced biblical community and the idea of being held accountable for my actions. I was surrounded by friends who cared about the health of my relationship with the Lord, too.
“As a young adult walking through challenging seasons and hard lessons with community by my side, the Lord taught me there is so much freedom through confession and being fully known by God. He used His Word, my community group, and my co-leaders to reveal idols to me that I didn’t even know I had.
“Finally finding my value and worth in the Lord is exactly why I decided to serve with students. My past sin and hurt are now part of my story that I can use to encourage, challenge, and comfort others who are walking through something similar.
“I felt the Lord nudging me a few years ago to serve outside of my comfort zone in a place that would challenge me to use my gifts. He calls us to obedience and faithfulness, even when things are a challenge. I want to stand in the gap and care for students exactly where they are while continuing to remind them that the Lord loves them and is there with open arms. In a society that is screaming for teenagers to follow the world, I want to scream even louder the truth of 1 Corinthians 10:13. God is not surprised by our sin; He is with you, and He is your escape.
“In re:generation for students, a recovery ministry for students in grades 6-12, I get to walk with students who are carrying really heavy burdens. I get to know kids from all over DFW, both believers and nonbelievers. It is such a sweet place to see the Lord working not only in their hearts but in mine as well. I have seen Him turn cold hearts into curious ones. I have seen Him call students back semester after semester to continue to move toward healing and, ultimately, toward the Lord. I have seen the Lord work through my own heart and reveal things to me as I work through the curriculum alongside the students. Watching the Lord move through each of them in different ways is so beautiful.
“I also spend time serving Preschool kids on Sundays. What was originally a temporary two-week commitment with one of my community group girls has turned into two years because I love it so much! Not only have I gotten to watch these babies grow, but I’ve seen them begin to understand that Jesus is important. It’s the best! I also have had a chance to get to know and become friends with some of the parents. It is a sweet platform to love families in our church every week.
“Just as Deuteronomy 31:8 says, the Lord has gone before me and is with me – even if I’m changing diapers or crying alongside a student as they lay out their burdens. I wouldn’t change a thing!”
We’re always looking for faithful servants to help us in Watermark Kids on Sundays as we invest in the next generation and teach them about Jesus. Learn more about serving with kids.
The next semester of re:genereation for students begins August 19. If you’re a student in grades 6-12 or an adult interested in serving, you can learn more on our website.