Growing In Service

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The Breedlove family has been around Watermark for years, and all six of their kids grew up in ministries here, including Watermark Kids. As Scott and Julie aim to raise Christ followers (Proverbs 22:6), they have emphasized the importance of serving God and others. Now two of their sons, Jace (23) and Jonas (17), serve preschool-aged kids on Sunday mornings.

How have you seen the Lord working through Jonas and Jace as they serve?

Scott: “It has been amazing to be part of Watermark for most of their lives. God is generous to give us a church that we can be involved in that has set such a bar for service and following Jesus. He has been faithful in drawing our kids to Himself through this church – those who lead and those who serve.

“Even if they have their own ups and downs as most teenagers and young adults do, our kids see very consistent, faithful examples. I hope if ever Jace and Jonas can’t serve for some reason, they’ll miss it. They’ve been able to establish a rhythm of service that can lead to a more fulfilling life that will point them in the direction of abundant life in Christ.”

Julie: “Younger people are super aware when something is inauthentic and fake, so I think the authentic leaders and teachers they’ve been exposed to have really impacted them and their relationships with the Lord. As parents, we are serious about our faith, and we’re trying to live that out. Throughout the years, I’ve watched the Lord faithfully minister, grow, and mature our entire family in so many aspects, including serving others.”

In what ways does the truth of the gospel encourage you to serve others?

Jace: “In Mark 10:43–45, Jesus says, ‘[W]hoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ Because Jesus served us by making the ultimate sacrifice, the least we can do is offer our time to serve others and spread the Good News—and Watermark Preschool is just one way to do that!”

Jonas: “Because of what Jesus did for me, I’ve come to realize that it’s really the smallest contribution for me to serve kids. Also, because of the truth of the gospel, it’s our job to let as many as we can know about it. Even if they are just three-year-olds, it’s important that the truth is instilled in them so they can trust Him and tell others. Knowing this is the goal helps me to see the purpose in my serving.”

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Why do you serve with Watermark Kids?

Jace: “Service was modeled for me when I was in high school and growing up at Watermark. My small group leaders were with me since middle school, and I think back to that time very fondly. I’m grateful for those three leaders who spent hours with us every week. It made such an impact on my life and on my relationship with the Lord. I started serving in Preschool while I was in high school, and now that I’m back after completing my undergrad, I wanted to jump back in.”

Jonas: “At first, my parents required me to serve, and then eventually, when it became my own decision, I wanted to continue. I didn’t want to admit it to my parents, but I really liked it! Also, the kids are a lot of fun.
“I don’t remember much from when I was in Watermark Kids myself, but it is so cool to think that I am now helping and serving in the ministry I grew up in. I see the same kids every single week, and I just want them to learn something new each time. They’re so young, it’s hard to really tell what they’re remembering and learning, but I know the Lord is working.

“Most Sundays, we’re learning and reading Bible stories. I get to see God in a different way as I serve. When you think of a bunch of little kids in a classroom, you may not immediately think of a big and powerful God, but I’ve experienced He’s even in the smallest of things and people. I see how genuine, powerful, and loving God is through these three-year-olds.”

Jace: “The curriculum is set up in a way for them to learn and know Scripture. I want them to be excited about the stories they’re learning, and they often are. For me as a leader, it’s really cool when they show up and know the memory verse.”

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