Welcome to 2015 and to this year’s Journey through the Bible, from start to finish! As we’ve been mentioning for a few weeks now, it’s our desire that as you make the commitment to read God’s Word through this year, you will also commit to leading your family to walk through the entire Bible as well.
This 2015 What’s in the Bible? viewing schedule will give you an idea of what videos to watch and when as you read through this year’s Journey.
Hopefully by now, you’ve picked up your copy of What’s in the Bible? volume 1 or have access to it through your RightNow Media membership. Below you will find some simple guides for each of the two episodes in that volume.
Before we get to that, however, here are some simple suggestions for how to make the most of the What’s in the Bible? videos this year.
- Watch the episodes TOGETHER! Yes, we know these videos are great to stick in the player and entertain your kids with something better than the average cartoon. Feel free to do that, but at some point, sit down as an entire family and watch together. There’s a good chance you’ll learn more than your kids do!
- Have your Bible with you! If your kids have their own Bibles, encourage them to have theirs with them too. As the characters in the video refer to particular parts of those books of the Bible, turn there together and learn how to find verses and stories in your Bible.
- Talk about it! If you just watch the videos, you’ll learn a ton, but you’ll learn more by talking about it and completing some simple activities together as a family. For each episode, we’ll give you a family discussion & activity guide to help you lead your family and grow together.
It’s going to be a great year! Time to get started!
Family Guide for Volume 1, Episode 1: What Is the Bible?
- Before starting the video, give your family a little quiz with the following questions. Do the quiz again after watching the video and see what you learn. Talk about how your answers have changed:
- How would you answer the question, “What IS the Bible?”
- How many books are in the Bible? (perhaps have your kids open to the Table of Contents in their Bible and count them) How many people did it take to write the Bible? (over 40). How long did it take them to write the whole Bible? (over 1600 years) Can you think of any other books like that?
- The Bible has an Old and a New Testament. What does the word “testament” mean? (covenant or promise)
- The Bible is full of stories, but what is the ONE story that all of the stories are telling? (The story of God and what He’s done for us)
- PRAY: Have each member of your family pray and tell God at least one thing that are thankful for about His Word. Ask God to help your family to grow this year in understanding and loving His Word.
- ACTIVITY: Print out the Books of the Bible Chart. Cut out the names of each book, mix them up and then time how long it takes your family to put them in order. Make it fun, have members of the family compete against each other, etc.
Family Guide for Volume 1, Episode 2: Who Wrote the Bible?
- Before watching the video, ask your family how they would answer the question, “Who wrote the Bible?”
- After watching the video, ask your family the following questions:
- What does it mean that the Bible was “inspired”? (it means that God “breathed” the ideas of the Bible into people who wrote down the ideas in words, God’s truth communicated through people’s words) Have someone find 2 Timothy 3:16 in their Bible and read it to the family.
- What does the word “Genesis” mean? (Beginning)
- What is the powerful, dangerous gift that God gave us when He created people? (Free will: the power to choose) What makes the gift dangerous? Why do you think God gave us that gift? (so we would not be robots; so we would make the choice to love God; for love to be love, it must be a choice)
- God gave Adam and Eve a choice of who they would trust. Did they choose to trust God or the snake? What were the consequences of their choice?
- Read Proverbs 3:5. Talk about ways your can choose to trust the Lord with all your heart this week. Pray for God’s strength to trust Him especially when it is hard to do.
- ACTIVITY: Write out 2 Timothy 3:16 with each word of the verse on a separate card. Mix them up and take turns putting the verse together. Make it fun!
You can find even more activities here on the What’s in the Bible website! We’d love to hear what you come up with!