As we’ve studied discernment the past few weeks, it has become clear that making the wise decision can be really tough. It’s especially hard when the choice God wants us to make is the scary choice. The world would tell us to always make the “safe” decision, but that does not always match up with God’s Word! God even goes as far to say we should trust HIM more than trusting what we think we know! (Proverbs 3:5-6) It is important to stop, think, ask, listen, make a choice, and roll with it!
DISCERNMENT: Seeking God’s direction before acting
MEMORY VERSE: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
This Week’s Finish Line: Choose God’s way and obey
We looked at the story of Ananias in Acts 9:1-19 this week, to see how Ananias chose to obey God even when it was scary. God wanted to show His faithfulness a man named Saul, who had been killing Christians. Imagine Ananias’s surprise when God asked him to go help this very Saul! Saul later became Paul, who went on to become one of the greatest Christian missionaries and wrote half of the New Testament!
Family Questions:
- Who was Ananias? (Acts 9:10)
- Who was Saul? (Acts 9:1-2)
- What did God ask Ananias to do? (Acts 9:11-12)
- How do you think Ananias felt about this request, and what did he do in response?
Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:
* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.
TEACHER: Faith in Decisions
At dinner this week, tell the story again of Saul and Ananias from Acts 9:1-19. Ananias was so nervous to approach Saul to help him, but then he obeyed anyway. Discuss how you think Ananias used discernment to make such a courageous decision. How can we also use discernment to have faith in our decisions?
FRIEND: Practice the Proverbs
While you’re in the car this week with your kids, use the time to practice your Proverbs! Have you checked out the Proverbs Challenge yet? How many of the 10 has your family memorized so far?
COUNSELOR: Who Can You Ask?
During bedtime this week, discuss with your child the importance of having wise counsel. Who are the wise people you can go to and ask for help in decisions? Go back to the story of Rehoboam in 1 Kings 12 and talk about why he should have listened to the wiser advice he was given.
COACH: Scenario Practice
One morning this week, brainstorm different scenarios when you and your children might need to ask for help. For example: if you get a rash on your leg, what do you do? If you’re stuck on a math problem, what do you do? If a friend is mean to someone at school, what do you do? Think of and talk through more situations throughout the week.
Thank God for providing wisdom when we ask for it, and for providing people for us to ask to pray for us for wisdom too. Ask God for help this week in making decisions wisely.
Looking Ahead
Next week we will start a new unit- on Thankfulness! We’ll start with the story of Moses in Exodus 3 and how God reminds Moses of WHO He is.