Discussion Questions: September 7, 2014

Discussion Questions: September 7, 2014 Hero Image


Did you leave after hearing Sunday’s message and think, “Well, now what?” Each Sunday, we will provide a discussion guide for our church body designed to create a conversation about what we’re learning. We encourage you to prayerfully gather with your family, friends and community group and dive into how to apply Sunday’s teaching from God’s Word to your life.

To view the current message series, as well as our entire library of sermons, be sure to check out our media page.

  1. The book of James is written to bring the early church back to the Lord in the midst of persecution. Whether in the midst of persecution or prosperity, how are you prone to seek hope in places other than intimacy with God?
  2. Christians are to gently and lovingly speak truth when we see others dishonoring God, damaging their witness or destroying relationships. (Gal. 6:1-2). In speaking this truth we should only; a.) talk to God, b.) talk to the person, c.) talk to another who would be part of the solution. What sin is God calling you to humbly and lovingly confront? What scripture will you stand on to confirm this truth?
  3. James 4:14 reminds us that our lives are “just a vapor” and there is no guarantee of tomorrow. What is God calling you to do with your resources, time or thoughts to walk faithfully today?
  4. As you have been reading your Bible this week, how have you grown increasingly discontent with yourself? What will be your first step toward greater obedience?

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