Discussion Questions: September 6, 2015

Discussion Questions: September 6, 2015 Hero Image Discussion Questions: September 6, 2015 Hero Image


John Elmore looked at Zechariah 3 and talked about a trial that continues daily before God in heaven. Read Zechariah 3:1-10. We are the defendant. Satan is our accuser. But we have an Advocate who defends us, having paid the penalty for the messes we make in this life. Will you accept His provision, first for our salvation and then for living our lives to honor Him?

Discussion Questions

  1. We all make messes. Our messes are called sin, and they are deserving of death. Not surprisingly, even our righteousness is described as filthy rags in Isaiah 64:6. What are the messes that you have made in and of your life?
  2. John titled this message "Our Trial in Heaven." Does it concern you that our adversary Satan is even now accusing you before God? Read Revelation 12:10-11. But we have an Advocate who has overcome and defeated our accuser. How does that comfort you? How does that impact the way you live today?
  3. When we trust in Christ, we enjoy many benefits, including expiation and imputation. Expiation is the removal of our sin. Imputation is giving to us Christ's righteousness. It is a great exchange—Christ takes our sin and gives us His righteousness. What do these truths mean for the way you live your daily life? How do they impact the way in which you treat other people? Do they make your heart grateful for what the Lord has done for you?
  4. Zechariah 3:7 tells us: “Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in my ways and keep my charge, then you shall rule my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you the right of access among those who are standing here.” Will you walk in His ways? It is a call to holiness in your daily life through your relationship with Christ. Will you keep His charge? It is a call to obedience. Are you willing to live in holiness and obedience? How can your community group help you do this? More importantly, will you tell others about how Christ has cleaned you up from the messes in your life?
  5. Our Advocate also gives us hope. Reread Zechariah 3:8-10. These verses promise a literal return of Christ to remove iniquity, cleanse the land in a single day, and invite all who trust Him to enter His Millennial Kingdom. Do you believe that this will happen? Do you live like you believe it? Are you willing to tell others about this hope?