We encourage you to discuss these questions with your family and/or community group.
Have you been baptized, if no, why not?
Do you remember the joy you experienced the day you were baptized? What can you do to maintain that level of passion for declaring your love for Christ?
4. what would be a good Biblica response to the following statements: 1. "If you aren't baptized you aren't saved." 2. "God loves you know matter what so it doesn't matter whether you have been baptized or not."
Assuming you have been baptized, what other clearly articulated commands in God's word can you list?
Which ones do you need to confess you are not responding in obedience to and actively respond to with repentance.
Who can you pray for right now that is on your top ten list that they would believe and want to be baptized? Call them to today to tell them that you love them and are thinking about, and praying for, them.