Discussion Questions: March 5, 2017

Discussion Questions: March 5, 2017 Hero Image Discussion Questions: March 5, 2017 Hero Image


In Acts 10:34-11:15 we learn how we must let go of our comfortable traditions and pious prejudices to fear God and do what is right. Todd teaches us three ways we can know we are doing this: forsake idols, acknowledge your lack of fully understanding God, and accept the consequences or experiences that come because of seeking/following Christ. As godly men and women, we ought to always seek to glorify our God instead of glorifying ourselves in our comforts.

Discussion Questions

  1. We can often slip into a love of ease and comfort in our lives rather than keeping alert to the places God would have us go. Do you prayerfully consider the truth of Isaiah 6:8, which says “’And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’” Do you boldly proclaim the gospel or do you remain in the comfortable bubble around your life? Check out this resource with 98 ideas for serving in your neighborhood. Grab your friends, kids, and/or community group to get on mission with you.
  2. While it is important to seek new relationships to share the gospel, it is also important for us to continue building into the people God has already put you around (family, co-workers, neighbors, friends). How are you tending to the relationships God has already given you? What are some ways you can grow in fostering these relationships? Read Hebrews 3:13, 1 Peter 4:8-10, and Galatians 6:2 for some ideas.
  3. There is only one thing we must do in this life: believe in the one whom God sent, Jesus Christ (John 6:28-29). Believing in Jesus Christ is also the only way to have ultimate peace with God (Romans 5:1). What idols in your life do you live for or depend on for pleasure, position, and peace? What are you exchanging God for (Romans 1:21-23)? What would it look like to let go of and denounce all things keeping you from worshipping God above all else?
  4. Read Isaiah 66:1-2. These verses affirm how our posture toward God should always be, humble and contrite. We must also recognize that we, humans created by God, will never fully know the mind of God (Romans 11:33-36). Acknowledging this lack of understanding should drive us to a place of complete dependence on the One who created us. Where do you tend to tell God that He got something wrong? Where do you try telling God who you think He should be or what role He should play in your life? How can your community group play a part in holding you accountable to being content with God’s plan for your life?
  5. Todd exhorted us to remember that we don’t know exactly how our life will unfold, but we can/do know the God who is in control of it. Part of walking humbly with the Lord means accepting the consequences or experiences that come because of seeking/following Christ. See Daniel 3:17-18 and Hebrews 11:32-40 for some examples of faithful followers. When in your life have you turned away from an opportunity to remain steadfast because you feared the outcome instead of fearing God? When have you succeeded, by God’s grace, in remaining faithful even when you didn’t know the outcome of a situation?