Discussion Questions: March 19, 2017

Discussion Questions: March 19, 2017 Hero Image Discussion Questions: March 19, 2017 Hero Image


Today JP led us through Acts 12:1–19, a powerful passage on prayer demonstrated in the life of the early Church. From this Scripture, we see that when God’s people pray, 1) there is an incomprehensible peace; 2) we participate in God’s power; and 3) the impossible is possible.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever been in a desperate situation? A place where you need help? Do you believe that God is a loving Father Who delights when His children come to Him in prayer? What is one thing that you would love to see God move in in your life?
  2. Read Acts 12:1–6. From these verses, we see that when God’s people pray, we see an incomprehensible peace. Note how verse 5 says “but the church was earnestly praying to God for him [Peter].” In the next verse, we find Peter SLEEPING, chained to two soldiers, yet knowing that he might be beheaded soon. Now read Philippians 4:6–7 and 1 Peter 5:7. What are you anxious about today? Have you prayed about this? Or are you choosing to worry rather than pray?
  3. Do times of distress cause you to question God’s control or God’s goodness? Which of these two are you more likely to question? How can looking backward to Jesus’ death and resurrection and looking forward to eternal life with God help give peace in the midst of distressful situations? How is your prayer life? Are you praying faithfully out of prison, that when you find yourself in prison you know how to pray? Or, if you are currently in prison, are you experiencing God’s peace? Have you humbled yourself and invited others to join you in prayer?
  4. Read Acts 12:7–11. From these verses, we see that when God’s people pray, we participate in God’s power. Prayer invites God to act. Where are you struggling in life and complaining about your situation (whether this be with family, friends, or on Facebook), yet refusing to ask God for help?
  5. Read Acts 12:12–19. From these verses, we see that when God’s people pray, the impossible is possible. Where have you seen God answer prayers that seemed impossible to answer? Where can you pray for the impossible today, that God can make it possible?