Discussion Questions: March 1, 2015

Discussion Questions: March 1, 2015 Hero Image Discussion Questions: March 1, 2015 Hero Image

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Did you leave after hearing Sunday’s message and think, “Well, now what?” Each Sunday, we will provide a discussion guide for our church body designed to create a conversation about what we’re learning. We encourage you to prayerfully gather with your family, friends and community group and dive into how to apply Sunday’s teaching from God’s Word to your life.

To view the current message series, as well as our entire library of sermons, be sure to check out our media page.


As we look at the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, JP reminds us that followers of Christ have been equipped with all we need to render help to others. We just need to take the next step of action to bring hope and healing to neighbors in our city.

Discussion Questions

  1. Who is your neighbor? Because of stereotypes or past experiences, who would be the most challenging person or group of people for you to show mercy?
  2. What is preventing you from being a neighbor to those in need around you: schedule, lack of understanding, idolatry of comfort or your prejudice?
  3. What are some ways that the Lord has equipped you to be able to help others? With whom and how could you share your possessions, experience, giftedness, passion, or expertise?
  4. Look at externalfocus@watermark.org and watermark.org/impact. Discuss with your group the steps you can take this week to be a better neighbor to someone in need?

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