Discussion Questions: June 11, 2017

Discussion Questions: June 11, 2017 Hero Image Discussion Questions: June 11, 2017 Hero Image


Continuing in Acts 13 Todd talked about how we as Christians should be people of peace, even as the world moves toward greater chaos. As God's people, we are to live life and love others in a way that authenticates who God is and His love for us. That means we are to not grow weary in sharing the gospel, never stop doing life with other Christ followers, and not allow the world and all its chaos to rob us of joy.

Discussion Questions

As you think about the message from this weekend, discuss these questions with your community group.

  1. “We do not simply have a soul. We are not a body with a soul but a soul with a body.” What are the implications of this truth? How will this reality affect how you spend your time, energy, and focus this week?
  2. "When you share the gospel it might not sink in. Keep sharing. Keep being faithful. Converts always become evangelists." Have you been an evangelist--sharing the gospel with someone--this past week? Who is one person you can share the gospel with this next week?
  3. "There are four good reasons to change a community group: 1) You move; 2) You die; 3) You're called to multiply after being faithful (the reason isn't frustration, annoyance, or a lack of personality alignment); 4) The people in your group have rejected the way of Christ." Do you approach your community group with this level of commitment and pursuit of each other? Is there anything hindering you from taking the next step of relational intimacy with your community group? Discuss as a group how you can excel still more.
  4. "They were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52)." Is there anything in your life that you've allowed to rob you of joy this last week? If yes, what was it? What Scriptures can you think of or memorize to remind you of God's love, joy, and peace this week?