This weekend, Todd kicked off a new series about relationships called “Can You Relate?” It’s been said that what you think about God is the most important thing about you…that if you don’t get your relationship with God right it will affect every other relationship in your life. Todd taught us about the importance of us viewing God as the good, loving, perfect, holy Father that He is.
Discussion Questions
- “God is not the reflection of your earthly father, He is the perfection of what every earthly father should be.” How was or is your relationship with your earthly father, and how has it affected your view of your heavenly Father? Share your answer with your community group, and ask them to help you grow in your view and understanding of your heavenly Father this year.
- “You will never want a relationship with God as much as He wants a relationship with you. He cares about you and is near to you in your rebellion and sin. You don’t have to be good for God to love you, you just have to be aware of the goodness of the love of God.” What do you think about coming face-to-face with the holy, three-in-one God when you are caught in your sin?
- “Whenever you meet a legitimate need in an illegitimate way it never goes well. Every single sin we commit is a testimony that we don’t believe in the goodness of God.” What area of life are you most prone to not believe in the goodness of God? Memorize Psalm 16:11 or 84:11 and meditate on its truth this week.