For many, the new year is a time for making resolutions. Todd begins this new year with a message on resolve, how we can be intentional in our resolve, and the characteristics of a faithful life in Christ.
- In Lamentations 3:22-23, we are reminded that God’s mercies are new everyday – that each day presents an opportunity to experience His grace and faithfulness. Do you recognize that it is never too late to resolve to make a change in your life? Todd gave the examples of Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley as men who consistently resolved to live “on purpose” lives. Consider Edwards’s list here -
- One characteristic of a faithful follower of Christ is living a life that is not burdened by a “to do” list, but instead knowing what to do in every situation. Can you think of a time when you faced a situation where you didn’t know what to do? In that situation, who or what did you rely on for guidance? Do you trust God’s Word to be your guide at all times in your life? Regarding the bible, do you agree/disagree with Todd’s comment, “Apply your whole self to the text, and the whole text to yourself?”
- Using Matthew 21:28-32 as an example, Todd mentioned that faithfulness is not found by asking for a show of hands, but by watching hands that show they are faithful. What would others say your hands currently show as an example of faithfulness in your life today? What could you resolve to change so that your hands might faithfully bear even more good fruit?
- Can you think of a time when you were selectively faithful? What critics do you have in your life that can cause you to be selective in your faithfulness? How can you resolve to overcome selective faithfulness? Consider Jesus’s response to critics in Matthew 11:16-19.
- We are different people, in different positions, with different blessings. However, we are all created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and have the same opportunity to be faithful. How will you resolve today to be the faithful person God has uniquely created you to be and is looking for?