Discussion Questions: January 28, 2018

Discussion Questions: January 28,  2018 Hero Image Discussion Questions: January 28,  2018 Hero Image


This weekend, Todd continued our series “Can You Relate?” by teaching us about the relationship of marriage. In order to rightly relate to marriage, we must remember to do three things: Trust the giver, live for another world, and understand that people are married for a single reason.

Discussion Questions

  1. Trust the giver – “Your spouse is God’s gift to you. However, eventually, we start to devalue the gift. You must teach yourself to love the gift.” In the next seven days—whether you have the gift of marriage or singleness (see last week's sermon)—what’s one way you can remind yourself to trust God and His gift to you? If you are married, how can you show your spouse that you value them?
  2. Live for another world – “Seek the Lord and live for eternity. Even though God says you can honor Him by being one with your spouse, you still have to honor Him and live for another world. You must keep living for an eternal focus.” What in your life is most likely to distract you from focusing on and living for eternity? Share this with your community group, and identify one way to live with an eternal focus this next week.
  3. People are married for a single reason – “Why are people married? To glorify God. Marriage is a gift but it’s also a chance to use a difficult relationship to model an unconditional, eternal love.” Who is one person you can chose to love as Christ loves you this week? Pick one way to serve that person, and then initiate with them in the next 24 hours.
  4. Todd talked about a prayer that he started praying this week. “Lord give me eyes only for my wife (spouse). Make her the standard of beauty and the definition of all that is attractive to me”. If you are married commit to praying something similar concerning your spouse.
  5. Are you familiar with re|engage and how it is there to enrich every marriage and not just resurrect dead ones? Talk with your group about the wisdom of going thre re|engage together to learn more about how.
  6. If you are married and are blessed with a great marriage, talk about the potential of helping others experience God’s grace the way you are by serving in Merge, re|engage, or leading a foundation group. Email Scott Kedersha at skedersha@watermark.org for more info.