Today, Todd continued the Resolve series, sharing the first of a two-part message on resolving conflict. He looked at how we, redeemed by Christ, are to diligently live lives together, marked by healing and truth.
- If you recognize that God is good, and that you yourself have received God’s grace, how then would you say you are doing extending grace to others - especially those whose sin struggles might be different from your own? Given that we live in a broken world, where sin leads to conflict, what do you think Todd mean when he said "not all conflict is sin, but all sin leads to conflict"? Do you agree or disagree? Can you think of examples of "when dust was kicked up" that was not because of sin? How does Proverbs 19:11 inform these situations?
- Living in relationship with others, what do you believe you bring to “the herd?” Are there things that those you share life with do which annoy you? How would others answer if asked about annoying things you do?
- Read Ephesians 4:1-3. Considering these verses, do you believe you are diligently pursuing unity and peace with others in humility, gentleness, and patience in love? Todd mentioned that the first mark of a redeemed community is healing. In light of our living together in a world of conflict, can you point to an example in your life where your diligence to humbly, gently, patiently love someone brought about healing?
- From Proverbs 6:16-19, Todd read seven things that are an abomination to God. Would you say that these seven things are also an abomination to you? If they are, how does that truth (orthodoxy) play out (orthopraxy) in the life you live with others?
- Regarding both the confrontational approach and the commitment approach Todd mentioned, how would you confess to handling your most recent conflict? Take a look at Proverbs 18:2. Was your approach more about winning an argument based on your knowledge, or was your approach graciously more from the foundation of love so that relationally you might work toward truth and healing?