Discussion Questions: February 15, 2015

Discussion Questions: February 15, 2015 Hero Image

Did you leave after hearing Sunday’s message and think, “Well, now what?” Each Sunday, we will provide a discussion guide for our church body designed to create a conversation about what we’re learning. We encourage you to prayerfully gather with your family, friends and community group and dive into how to apply Sunday’s teaching from God’s Word to your life.

To view the current message series, as well as our entire library of sermons, be sure to check out our media page.


Special guest speaker Randy Alcorn and Todd Wagner join to discuss the topic of money and finances. Highlighting the six principles from Alcorn’s book The Treasure Principle, they answer the question, “What should I do with my money?” Listen in to gain a Biblical perspective of stewardship.

Discussion Questions

  1. Although God doesn’t need our money, we are welcomed to partner with Him in our giving. In what ways have you partnered with God regarding your finances?
  2. Do you recognize everything you possess ultimately belongs to God? Does your stewardship of finances suggest you recognize this truth?
  3. The promise of health and wealth in this lifetime if you give generously is unbiblical. Is the promise of eternal health and wealth enough for you? How can your community encourage you to pursue eternal riches rather than temporal ones?
  4. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Read 1 Timothy 6. In what ways has the pursuit of wealth created harm in your life? How can your community help you treasure better things?