David & Goliath: Three Activities for Preschool Families

David & Goliath: Three Activities for Preschool Families Hero Image David & Goliath: Three Activities for Preschool Families Hero Image

The story of David and Goliath is one of those kids’ stories that as adults we can become so familiar with that we miss the life lessons it contains. As you work through the activities and retell the story to your kids this week, keep your heart prayerful for what the Holy Spirit might be teaching you. Do you believe in God’s power the way David did? Is there a Goliath in your life that you need to trust God to defeat? Do you need to take action to defeat your giant like David did?

Highlights from Sunday

This week your child learned that when God is on our side, we can win a battle. God can protect us just like He protected David. God’s enemies, the Philistines, wanted to fight Saul’s army, so they sent their best fighter, Goliath. He was huge‐‐nine feet tall! He was so huge that all of Saul’s army was afraid to fight him. One day, when David was taking food to his brothers who were soldiers in Saul’s army, he saw Goliath. David told the soldiers that God would help him win, so he offered to fight Goliath. Saul gave David armor and a sword, but they were too heavy for David. Instead, David chose 5 stones from the stream and used them and his sling shot to fight Goliath. He told Goliath, “You come with a sword and a spear. But I come to you in the name of God.” As the giant came closer, David put a stone in his slingshot and threw it. It hit Goliath in the forehead, and he fell down and died. David trusted God, and because He had faith, God helped him win. (1 Samuel 17)

Teaching Truth:

God is our Protector.

Memory Verse:

"Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 (NASB)

Three Activities That Help Us Learn We Can Show God's Love by Serving Others:

1. Put on a Puppet Show

Grab a couple of paper bags to decorate as puppets. Use a small lunch bag size for David and a large grocery size for Goliath. Show your child how the bag can go on top of his hand, with the flap of the folded bottom becoming the mouth. Let your child decorate each bag by drawing eyes and a nose on the flap and clothes on the bottom part. You can be as elaborate as you want – using googly eyes or yarn for the hair. Act out the story of David and Goliath by setting up Goliath in the center of the room and using marshmallows or bean bags as the stones to knock him down. After your child has acted out the story ask him these questions

1. What was the giant’s name?

2. What was the army of Israel afraid of?

3. Who fought Goliath?

4. Who helped David beat Goliath?

5. Will God help us with our problems?

2. Recreate the Scene

Go on a walk with your child and while on this walk pick out five rocks. Once back home, outside on the driveway or sidewalk draw a large box with sidewalk chalk and write a big G in the middle for Goliath. Have your child stand the appropriate distance way for his age and throw the rocks to land on the G in the box.

3. Learning How God Protects Us

Using a pipe cleaner or wikki stick help your child make five small crosses. Now take the crosses outside and using dirt and a little water let your child make a mud pie. Scoop out a handful of the mud and place the cross inside the mud and using more mud over the cross and to make a ball. Repeat again until you have five balls (stones). Set the stones in the sun to dry. Once the stones are dry throw them on the ground to break them so your child can see the cross or use them in the previous game to throw at Goliath. Talk with your child about what a Goliath might be in his life, maybe going to a new school or being scared of the dark. Pray with your child to have God protect him in that situation just as God protected David.


Thank you, God, that You are strong enough to protect us and help us in every situation. Please help us trust You with all our fears. Teach us to honor Jesus with every challenge we face. Amen.