The pools aren't even refreshing anymore! This is definitely the point in the summer when we are all melting and desperate for ideas to keep our kids active. This post is meant to be resource for fun on those harder days. Enjoy!
1. Fill that baby pool up with something different. Our favorites are bubble bath or shaving cream!
2. Secrets and surprises are a great way to build anticipation. Invite friends over or wait for dad to pull in the driveway and surprise them with a water balloon battle.
3. Take the common and make it uncommon. We like to build a lunch tray, throw a blanket over the kitchen table and eat underneath it. Bring a lantern if it is a little too dark.
4. Bath time doesn’t have to be in the evenings. Switch up the time or add some added fun with glow sticks!
5. Don’t forget that we are surrounded by some really fun “get away” spots here in Dallas. My family loves to hit up Little Elm Beach or adventure through the trails at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve.
6. Painters tape has saved us on more than one occasion. We make race tracks or hopscoth or use it across door frames to catch wads of paper.Use your imagination or better yet… let your kids use theirs!
7. Our all time favorite summer activity is what my kids refer to as science lab. We grab containers of different shapes and sizes, all the medicine droppers we can find, some food coloring, and then add water. They are occupied for hours making concoctions and mixing colors. This is a fun one!
8. Freeze all the things!! You can buy some plastic toys from the dollar tree, put them inside balloons, and freeze them. Our kiddos loved rolling them, and holding them while they melted. And before you throw out all those old happy meal toys, consider throwing them in a plastic tubberwear container, filling it with water, and freezing it. If your kids are younger they can use a spoon to “chisel” out the toys. As they get older, your tools can evolve.
9. Get them reading!! Try a fun new location or facetime a relative and have your kids read a chapter to them!
10. Have a few supplies on hand! All of these items can be found at Dollar Tree and they are worth having around.Let your kids get creative. Don’t mind the mess and don’t have any expectations… just see what they do.They may surprise you! Our must haves are sticky notes, tape, pipe cleaners, and foil. Lots of fun to be had in those few items!
Want more ideas? Listen in to our Nest talk titled Fun: Can you Dig It?
Happy Summer Mommas! Hang in there… the heat won’t last forever!