Cancer diagnosis and healing. His parents’ divorce and reconciliation. The Lord gave David Walker the strength to walk through these challenges with peace and, later, the clarity to know what to do next: serve. In this week’s story of grace, David reflects on and celebrates how the Lord has moved in his life and transformed his heart to love and serve others.
How did you come to know and trust in the Lord?
“I was raised going to church every Sunday. My mom was a Christian, but my dad wasn’t. Throughout my adolescence, sports were my biggest passion, especially football. All I wanted to do was play football in college, and I prioritized this over a relationship with God.
“The summer before going to college, I went to a Christian camp. That is when I heard the gospel clearly for the first time. I realized God wants to have a relationship with me. That was enough to change me. This decision to trust the Lord really transformed my heart. Who I was and what I wanted to do completely changed. I wanted to serve other people, and I found more peace and joy exactly where I was – not if I was getting what I wanted. My priorities changed.
“As I learned more about living a faithful and obedient life, I realized that if I continued to pursue my football career, I couldn’t wholeheartedly serve God the way I wanted to. So, my plans changed. I went to a Christian college where my faith continued to grow because I was surrounded by others who also prioritized their relationships with the Lord.
“During my freshman year, I faced some challenging circumstances. About two weeks after my parents called to tell me they were getting a divorce, I was diagnosed with stage four cancer. But these events just pushed me to my faith. They didn’t push me away. I leaned into God’s Word and prayed even more than before. Through those disciplines, the Lord helped me find peace in my situation.
“After surgery and dropping out of school, my cancer was removed, and I was fully healed. And in that time, my father placed his trust in the Lord, and soon after, my parents reconciled their marriage. As I reflect, this season of hardships showed me that if there is anything I want to do with my life, it is to be committed to serving God.”
How do you love our city through service?
“While in Dallas, I became a member at Watermark and started serving with their ministry for international students, Watermark International Students Initiative (WISI). Every other Friday, we host home groups, which give us time to hang out, play games, eat dinner, and learn about the Bible with students who have come to the US for additional education. I have befriended a group of guys who I carpool with and hang out with outside of the group now, too. In intentional time with these students, I get to hear about their lives and families, and I can share my story and relationship with Christ, as well. Over time, I have seen students become more open to hearing and listening to the gospel. God has really softened their hearts, and it is amazing to watch!
“In WISI, the Lord is using volunteers to make an impact for the gospel globally while we’re still in Dallas. There are ripple effects to sharing Christ’s love. Some we may never see, but some of these students will go and tell their families, and their families will tell their friends.
“It is cool to see how we can be the hands and feet of Christ just by meeting people's needs, like taking them to lunch or offering them a ride to group. Serving is a way to show love to people, and loving our city is a way to show Christ to people who don’t know Him.”
With the summer months and a little extra time, our church is finding new and fun ways to love and serve our city and community. Learn more about Watermark International Students Initiative and how you can make an impact.