“If you told me when I was deep in my drug addiction that I would be where I am now, I wouldn’t believe you.
“I grew up as a product of my society. From an early age, I chose the streets and ran with the wrong crowd. At 12 years old, I started having sex, doing drugs, and eventually started selling drugs later in life. This way of life was just the norm for everyone around me, so I never questioned it.
“These early habits turned into a whirlwind of sin and addiction. At 16, I had my son with a girl I was dating. Becoming a dad made me realize I couldn’t act so recklessly, but that didn’t last long. I still was living for the weekend and the party scene. I would work hard all week and then go out on the weekends and leave my son with babysitters.
“I continued this rebellious life. I was constantly high on drugs and tried pulling others in. I didn’t care about anyone but myself. Inside, I was so depressed. I spiraled into more drugs and sexual sin. I placed my value on having the best of the best – women, drugs, liquor. I was so enslaved to my sin. I was living on drugs to the point that I couldn’t even eat. And then, one night, I ran out.
“In the middle of the night, feelings overtook me. I never felt so scared. I curled under my covers like a little kid and cried in fear. I cried out to God, ‘If You are real, save me from this. I am scared. Give me a new chance. Give me a new life.’
“It felt like a fight for my soul that night. It was as if God was pulling me in one direction, and the devil was pulling the other.
“When I woke up the next day, I didn’t want anything of my past. From that night on, I decided to put my faith and trust in Christ.
“Within the next week, my aunt expressed that she felt a call to host a Bible study with friends, and I was quick to jump in. At the Bible study, I met a man with a similar story to mine. He took me under his wing and started reading the Word with me. He showed me what a relationship with Christ looked like in everyday life.
“I was so against learning about God and faith in my past, but my eyes were opened. I was receptive to everything I was learning and hearing – including an invitation to re:generation, Watermark’s biblical recovery ministry, and the importance of membership at a local church.
“When Watermark opened the South Dallas campus, I knew the Lord was calling me there. It is closer to where I live, and most importantly, the neighborhood is such a familiar place to me from my past. I know there are guys like me in this neighborhood, and I want people to know there is hope. Through serving and being an active church member, I get to speak life into a community where, for so long, I spoke death.
“Two years ago, I went through Financial Catalyst, a financial stewardship class hosted by Watermark Community Development Corporation that helps under-resourced people be empowered to glorify God with their finances.
“For the longest time, I pridefully thought I could figure out all aspects of life on my own, including money and finances. In Financial Catalyst, I learned that God wants every part of me. God wants me to understand that all I have belongs to Him. Every dollar I have can be stewarded to His glory. In the past, I thought I would give my portion of tithing to the Lord, and then I could do whatever I wanted with the rest of my money. But I finally learned that God wanted me to be faithful with every single cent I have. I was able to learn and grow in my understanding of the value of money and how God sees money.
“Through Watermark CDC and Financial Catalyst, I’ve seen a huge impact on people in the South Dallas area who didn’t have access to these kinds of resources for so long. Now, not only have I experienced it firsthand, but I am on the other end, where I get to witness others experience freedom in Christ! It’s all to the glory of God. It is such a privilege to be a part of the program. Whatever season you're in, whether you're on the mentor side, ally side, or a participant, it's a blessing.
“I put my worth in all the wrong things, but Christ showed me there is nothing I could do or own to earn His love. He died so He could reconcile me back to Him. I was such a horrible guy, but God chooses to still love me and show me that He is enough. I’ve watched God do miracle after miracle in my life, and I know there is power and hope in the name of Jesus.”
Ernesto applied what he learned through Financial Catalyst, saved toward an asset purchase, and bought a home for himself and his family through the 2:1 matched funds of Watermark Community Development Corporation. Partner with Watermark CDC on Thursday, September 19, to fund life-changing asset purchases, such as a vehicle, home, business asset, or continued education for our neighbors in South Dallas. Invest for North Texas Giving Day.