The Label that Matters Most


Jacob AlgerOct 25, 2020

Discussion Questions

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  1. In this series, we've talked about both the labels we chase and the labels we don't want. How has this impacted your understanding of where you find your identity?

  2. Read Hebrews 9:27. All of us will some day die and stand before God in judgment. How does this reality impact the way you think about your life here on earth?

  3. On a scale of 1-10, if you were to stand before God tonight, how sure are you that you would go to Heaven? Why that number?

  4. Through Christ, we have been offered the label that matters most - Forgiven. Who in this would be willing to walk through the Gospel?
    (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9-10)

  5. Read Ephesians 2:8-9 and Titus 3:3-5. Is there anything we must do to earn the label of 'Forgiven' by God? Do you ever find yourself trying to perform for God's acceptance?

  6. Read Romans 5:1 and 1 John 5:11-13. Do you believe that you can know for certain that you're going to Heaven?
    (We are assured Peace with God through Christ, meaning we can be 100% sure that we are going to Heaven.)

  7. Read Ephesians 2:10. Once we are saved by grace (v.8-9), how does that impact the way that we live the rest of our lives here on Earth?

About 'Labeled'

In our lives, we often attempt to find value, significance, and worth in the labels we wear or those given to us, but the reality is all of us have been labeled by God as His image-bearers, given unique value and worth by Him.