Posers in the Church

2 Timothy

Nothing does more damage to the cause of Christ than when people who claim Christ but are fakes. In this message, we receive Paul's instructions on how to spot a poser inside the church. We are called to point them to truth, pray for them, and when necessary, break ties with them. They may fool some, but they aren't, and will never get away with, fooling God.

Jonathan PokludaApr 15, 2014

In This Series (6)
Finish Strong
Jonathan PokludaApr 29, 2014
Use Your Bible
David MarvinApr 22, 2014
Posers in the Church
Jonathan PokludaApr 15, 2014
You Can Handle the Truth
Jonathan PokludaApr 8, 2014
Whatever it Takes
David MarvinApr 1, 2014
Fanning the Flame of Faith
Jonathan PokludaMar 25, 2014