Plano Kids Kit for August 30

Plano Kids Kit for August 30 Hero Image Plano Kids Kit for August 30 Hero Image

This Week's Lesson: The Whole Story

Watch Derek Mathew's message from Sunday, August 30.

Have the Knights finally learned the lesson Aslan sent them to learn?

Family Night Discussion Questions:

  1. Who created all things?
  2. How did God feel about all the things He created?
  3. Who am I? And why am I here?
  4. What was the consequence for Adam and Eve’s disobedience?
  5. Why did Adam and Eve have to leave God’s perfect garden?
  6. What is wrong with the world?
  7. How did God rescue His people?
  8. How does the story end?

Family Night Ideas for Fun:

  • Have a family silly string war. Create “bunkers” outside using boxes, trash cans, lawn bags etc. Everybody gets a can or two of silly string and defends their territory!
  • Go on a creation hunt around your house and neighborhood. Find evidence of God’s creation for each day of the week. Day 1: Light/Dark Day 2: Sky/Clouds Day 3: Flowers/Leaves Day 4: Moon/Stars Day 5: Fish/Birds Day 6: People/Animals. Follow up your work by resting like God did on the 7th day - maybe with ice cream and a story!
  • Sin Illustration: Use two bar magnets to demonstrate how “sin” runs from God by pushing one magnet (God) towards the other (sin) so that the second magnet “runs” away, but God still pursues us.
  • Use magazines or advertisements to make a Heaven Collage. Explain to your child that this world is full of the consequences of our sin (definition: anything we say, think or do that is not pleasing to God), but there is still evidence of God’s goodness and blessing around us too. Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Label one column “Heaven” and the other “Earth”. Find and glue pictures of things that remind us of heaven: love, laughter, forgiveness, gold (streets of gold), etc. On the other column, find and glue pictures of things that are a result of sin and brokenness: sadness, sickness, crying, pain, etc. When you are finished with the collage, remind your child that Jesus is coming again someday and He will make all things new.
  • OR choose your own fun activity.