The Good News of Our Good God: Jesus is ALIVE!

The Good News of Our Good God: Jesus is ALIVE! Hero Image

What are some things you can think of that have been transformed? Maybe you thought of caterpillars that transform into butterflies, or that pan of batter you put in the oven that transforms into brownies? Our story this weekend shows us how God took the saddest, most painful story in the Bible and transformed it to the best news we could ever hope for! And because of the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can be transformed, too. When God gives us the faith to believe in Him, He transforms us from dead to alive, from lost to found, from strangers to family. That good news is definitely worth celebrating and sharing with others!

GOODNESS: A Heart that Reflects the Excellent Character of God

MEMORY VERSE: “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart." LUKE 6:45 (NLT)

This Week’s Finish Line: The Good News of Our Good God: Jesus is ALIVE!

“I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.” (Matthew 28:5-6 NLT). Jesus had told His followers that He would be betrayed and crucified. He also promised them that He would rise again. Still, the angels’ words seemed too good to be true. Could Jesus really do the impossible and come back to life? Absolutely! God always keeps His promises. Imagine the joy the disciples felt when Jesus Himself appeared to them. He opened their eyes to all that had been prophesied about Him and He also gave them the job to go and tell the world the good news of our good God, that Jesus is alive!

Family Questions:

1) Read Matthew 28:1-10 Who did the women meet at the tomb? (An angel.) What was the angel’s message? (Jesus isn’t here. He has risen, just like He promised!)
2) Read Luke 24:36-43 Why do you think the disciples were frightened when Jesus appeared? What did Jesus say to them? (“Peace be with you”)
3) What did Jesus do to show the disciples it really was Him and He was really alive? (Showed them the nail holes in His hands and feet, let them touch Him, ate some fish)
4) What is your favorite part of the Easter story? Why? How does the good news that Jesus is alive affect your life? Why?

Bring it Home Conversations & Activities:

* Check out our vision for parents and how to use these activities each week.

Teacher: Meal Time

The good news of our good God isn’t just for us on Easter. It’s for everyone, every day of the year! Practice sharing the gospel with each other as a family using the activity pages from this week’s kids kit. Read the statements and verses that go along with each picture. You can even have your family practice by drawing their own versions of the bridge illustration!

Friend: Drive Time

Talk about a friend or a family member who may not know the good news that God loves them and sent His Son Jesus to die for their sins. Pray and ask God that they would come to believe how much God loves them and understand the good news of Easter. Brainstorm one way you can encourage them and show them love this week, maybe with a card or a phone call.

Counselor: Bedtime

Take some time to watch the Tale of the Three Trees from our Easter Kids Kit or have your kids retell it to you. After the story, have everyone share their favorite part. How did God use what they first thought was a bad situation for good? How did they each get to be a part of Jesus’ life and God’s big story? Ask your kids if they have any hopes for their future. Pray and thank God for Jesus. Ask Him to help you trust His plan even when it's hard or you don't understand.

Coach: Anytime

Read Luke 24:1-12 and make “resurrection rolls” as a family as a fun snack. You can use these instructions for Rolling Out the Gospel from our Easter Week Kit which give you a “how to” in making your rolls as well as some talking points you can use with your kids. Be sure to let your kids know why you, personally, are thankful that Jesus is alive and the difference He makes in your life.


Thank God for who He is, how He defeated death, and the hope you now can have in Him. Ask Him to help you live your life in a way that reflects His goodness to the people you are around.

Looking Ahead

Next week we will continue the month of April with the godly character trait, GOODNESS. We will learn that no matter what, we can trust God's goodness.

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