The Gift of Motherhood: School Age Years

The Gift of Motherhood: School Age Years Hero Image The Gift of Motherhood: School Age Years Hero Image

The Gift of Motherhood: School Age Years

Psalm 127:3, "Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him."

What is the best gift you’ve ever received? At The Nest last week, Millye Hale stood before a group of school-aged moms and unpacked what she believes G.I.F.T. stands for on our journey in Motherhood.


(G) - Grateful

Be grateful that God chose you. He purposed you to mother this particular child with his or her particular needs. Even in the tough stuff we can be thankful because it is in those harder moments that we deepen our relationship with each child. Our God is strategic and no situation is outside of His plan. Be grateful for your child, their struggles, and the blessing of walking alongside them through it all.

  • Luke 12:7

(I) - Intentional

Be intentional to follow hard after Christ. Open your bible on a regular basis and learn His truths so that you can pass it along to your kids. Allow your kids to hear what we do louder than what we say!

  • 1 Corinthians 11:1

(F) Faithful

Our God is faithful! He has not handed us a gift and then turned His back on us. In fact, He is in the business of rewriting, redeeming, restoring, renewing, and reclaiming all of His children.

  • 1 Corinthians 1:9

(T)- To Be Treasured

A treasure is something you keep and hold dear to yourself. May we treasure our children, the gift that the Lord has given us. Grab your little blessings today and tell them why you treasure them!

  • Matthew 6:21

To hear this message in its entirety, click HERE.

The Notes page for this talk is HERE.

If you'd like to hear a message on the same topic, Holly Barnett spoke to the preschool moms on the Gift of Motherhood as well. You can find the blog HERE and the message HERE.

Image from Unsplash