Discussion Questions: June 28, 2015

Discussion Questions: June 28, 2015 Hero Image Discussion Questions: June 28, 2015 Hero Image


JP began a three week series on loving God with our heads, hearts and hands. Today JP discussed the critical aspect of renewing our minds, bringing our thoughts under the Lordship of Jesus in the midst of the world's marketing campaign that seeks to control the real estate of our minds.

Discussion Questions

  1. JP said that changed lives come from changed minds (Rom 12:2). How does the way you think affect the way you live? Discuss this among your group.
  2. The world, your flesh and the Enemy want to control your mind (Eph 2:2-3). They are all marketing for influence . . . a slow, constant push for the real estate of your mind. Discuss among your community group various ways you are influenced by the Enemy’s marketing campaign.
  3. Our thoughts are not infallible, nor should we follow them without critically sifting through them to discern what is from the world / flesh / Enemy and what honors Christ. Paul tells us in 2 Cor 10:3-5 to take every thought captive and make them obedient to Christ. He also tells us to think about the things that honor God (Phil 4:8). How does this practically work itself out in your life? What are some ways you can celebrate doing this well? What are some ways you need to improve? How can you encourage one another to practice this?
  4. Renewing our minds is not an exercise in avoidance only or a discipline as an end to itself. If we do these things without viewing them as the means to greater intimacy with Christ himself then our pursuits will only end in exhaustion. We must not only reject the marketing campaign of the world / flesh / Enemy but replace them with a focus on Christ himself . . . Jesus is the end, renewing our minds is the means. What are some small practical things you can do throughout the day that remind you of the love of God and beauty of Christ?
  5. Evaluate your daily practice this week and ask the Spirit what specific steps you should take to make your thoughts “obedient to Christ.” Share these practical steps with your community group and encourage one another to respond to the Spirit’s leading in your lives.