Discussion Questions: January 17, 2016

Discussion Questions: January 17, 2016 Hero Image Discussion Questions: January 17, 2016 Hero Image
  1. Why do you read the Bible? Is it to gain information, to check it off a list of “to do’s,” or to know God and build a relationship with Him? What changes can you make to better read scripture in order to grow in your relationship with God?
  2. Read Matthew 6:19-21. In the sermon, Adam stated that God’s truth is the greatest treasure (Psalm 119:14). Is there anything that you are elevating as a greater treasure than God’s Word (money, status, etc…)?
  3. How can you better practice the 3 areas that Adam pointed out from Mark 1:35-37 to be in God’s Word (find the time of day you feel in control, find an environment with few distractions, and be alone)?
  4. Is there any “supplement” to God’s Word that you are leaning on too much? How can you shift away from that supplement to rely primarily on God’s Word?
  5. Are you ready to resolve and be determined to be in God’s Word consistently (Psalm 119:15)? Do you believe that it is one of the best ways to experience God’s blessings, which are greater than the worldly treasures of money, power, etc.?