Discussion Questions: August 24, 2014

Discussion Questions: August 24, 2014 Hero Image


Did you leave after hearing Sunday’s message and think, “Well, now what?” Each Sunday, we will provide a discussion guide for our church body designed to create a conversation about what we’re learning. We encourage you to prayerfully gather with your family, friends and community group and dive into how to apply Sunday’s teaching from God’s Word to your life.

To view the current message series, as well as our entire library of sermons, be sure to check out our media page.

  1. Review what James has said up to this point and summarize his argument. How have you been encouraged and/or challenged by our study?
  2. Todd stated: “The very first casualty of sin is relationships.” How have you seen this to be true in your life? (Consider your relationship with your parents, siblings, spouse, kids, co-workers, community group). What steps, if any, do you need to take to reconcile any of these relationships? How can you better honor the Lord through each of these relationships?
  3. What do you think it means to be a “friend with the world” and an “enemy of God”? According to the Bible, how can we be reconciled to the Lord? How is our reconciliation with the Lord intended to impact our relationship with others?
  4. What do you think it means to say God is “jealous” for us? What does this teach us about God and what it looks like to live in relationship with Him?
  5. Make note of the 10 imperatives found in James 4:7-10. What do these verses teach us about how to relate to and be reconciled to God and one another? Identify one imperative and share with the group how you intend to apply this imperative this week.

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